Candidate announced for Green Party in Old Bexley and Sidcup by-election

Jonathan Rooks will contest the Old Bexley and Sidcup by-election on 2 December 2021.
He is chairperson of Greener Bexley and a senior lecturer in accounting at London South Bank University.
Jonathan has previously represented the Green Party as London Assembly Candidate Election Agent for Bexley and Bromley, as well as contesting the Old Bexley and Sidcup constituency in 2010.
More information on the GBGP website and Jonathan writes about his reasons for standing here.
Action day on 27 November with London Assembly member Zack Polanski
Come help us survey the residents of East Greenwich on Saturday 27 November. We will be joined for door knocking in the afternoon by our Green Party Assembly Member Zack Polanski. With a well-earned refreshment at a nearby venue afterwards.
The action days are an essential part of our plan to get the first ever Greens elected in Greenwich, which can make a real difference to the issues we care about. London has a fantastic opportunity to double or even triple its Green Councillors in May.
These elections will be won or lost depending on how many supporters we can persuade to join us on the ground. We have hundreds of doors to knock, and thousands of leaflets to deliver in each area before Christmas in our priority wards. Our brilliant, hard working candidates, and their small but mighty campaign teams, need extra boots on the ground to help them out.
If you can spare a couple of hours to help, RSVP here.
Join one of our regular litter picking events

We are holding regular litter picks in the local area and the next one is on Saturday 4 December, meeting at 1.30pm River Ale House, 131 Woolwich Road, Greenwich, SE10 0RJ.
The photo above is from our most recent and very successful litter pick on 6 November. (Image credit: Karin Tearle)