Welcome to the home of Greenwich and Bexley Green Party
We campaign to win seats on Greenwich Council and Bexley Council to improve the lives of residents across the two boroughs. We also regularly take direct action in the form of litter picks, asking questions at council meetings, guerilla gardening and supporting protests.
You are very welcome to join us at any of the events listed below – and whether you support us or not, do feel free to sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date with our non-partisan updates of what’s going on in the local area.
Very best wishes,
Stacy Smith and George Edgar Co-ordinators, Greenwich and Bexley Green Party
The Green Party acknowledges the very difficult funding situation facing local authorities nationally. Greenwich Council needs to make £33m of cuts or savings in 2024/25. We strongly oppose proposals that will hurt most those on the lowest incomes, such as cuts to children’s centres and local advice hubs. Having reviewed the Labour Council’s budget proposals… Read more: Green Party Response to Greenwich council’s 2024 budget cuts
Greater London Assembly candidate for Greenwich and Lewisham, Karin Tearle, led an action day at the Orchard Estate last Saturday (27 January) to learn more about the condition of resident housing. 14 members of Greenwich & Bexley Green Party and Lewisham Green Party joined forces to deliver a survey. They spoke to residents, some who… Read more: Orchard Estate properties continue to be afflicted by damp and mould problems
The London Mayor’s £2.2bn Silvertown Tunnel is due to open as a new river crossing in 2025 without any cycle lanes planned for it. This means that cargo bikes and e-bikes have nowhere reliable to cross the Thames east of Tower Bridge. Nor may ordinary people on bikes, unless they can carry them down and up… Read more: Alternative uses for Silvertown Tunnel discussed with Mayor of London candidate, Zöe Garbett
The Royal Borough of Greenwich council has recently announced the intention to purchase 199 homes in Greenwich Millennium Village from the major housing developer, Taylor Wimpey. Greenwich and Bexley Green Party cautiously welcomes this policy in response to the chronic shortage of council homes, with a surplus of people languishing in temporary and emergency accommodation.… Read more: Council home purchase is a useful sticking plaster but more work needed on housing crisis