GBGP Newsletter #40: More Silvertown Tunnel protests

Members of GBGP hold signs saying ‘Cancel Silvertown Tunnel’. Get your own sign to print out and put in your window at this link.
Photo credit: Karin Tearle

More Silvertown Tunnel action planned in September

Stop the Silvertown Tunnel has more action planned in September as part of its campaign to halt a project that is being widely hailed as a £2bn environmental disaster, even within London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s own party.

Thursday 9 September, 7pm 
Our next meeting on Zoom. Save the date, a link will come round soon.

Friday 24 September 
Global Climate Strike by school students. We will support young people taking action in east and south-east London. More info:

Sunday 26 September 
Demonstration by the Silvertown community. Residents protesting against plans to build a 34-storey block for luxury flats have invited us to join their protest.

From 11am-12pm at West Ham station there will be an information stall. Then from 12-1pm there will be a protest at Berkeley Homes showroom at Twelve Trees park, Manor Road (one minute walk from West Ham station). From 1pm, there will be a social gathering that all are welcome to join. More information from 

Revised highway code will give priority to non-motorists

The Highway Code is being updated to give pedestrians and cyclists priority at road crossings and junctions. The changes are part of a move to favour ‘active travel’, ie those travelling by non-motorised means.

The new hierarchy of road-user priority will be:

  1. Pedestrians
  2. Cyclists
  3. Horse riders
  4. Motorcyclists
  5. Cars / taxis
  6. Vans / mini buses
  7. Large passenger vehicles / heavy goods vehicles

Read more about the Highway Code changes in The Guardian.

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