GBGP Newsletter #37: Cycleway 4 construction begins

Advice for approaching idling cars, from Mums for Lungs

Mums for Lungs have produced a leaflet and some advice for approaching those who leave their car idling instead of turning off the engine.

The group says having flyers to hand out can make approaching drivers much easier and suggest the approach used by one of their members, Aimee.

She says: “I tap on the window (always smiling) and gently either say ‘Will you be here for long?’ or ‘Do you need your engine on right now?’. This usually opens up a bit of a chat and if someone is open to a discussion we say ‘Can I just give you this flyer with all the info about how harmful idling is to both you and/or children’.

By this point most people have already switched off their engine. Most you win but some you lose, but handing out the flyer is really helpful. Even if they don’t switch off immediately they might think about it later.”

Here’s the printable leaflet to give to the driver (PDF link)

Construction of TfL Cycleway 4 begins

Cycleway 4 will create a continuous segregated cycle route between Tower Bridge and Greenwich, and improve public spaces and facilities for people who are walking.

Construction has begun on Evelyn Street in Deptford this month and will continue along the route until completion in spring 2022.

More information from TfL here

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