GBGP Newsletter #29

By-election results for four Greenwich wards and one Bexley ward

Green Party candidates came third in all the wards that were being contested in the local by-elections on Thursday 6 May, echoing Sian Berry’s mayoral election result. You can see the results here (Greenwich) and here (Bexley).

Stop the Silvertown Tunnel march on Saturday 5 June

The Stop the Silvertown Tunnel Coalition will be carrying out a peaceful, legal march on Saturday 5 June to oppose the Silvertown Tunnel. The march will go for two miles, from Canning Town to the tunnel’s construction site, setting off at 2pm. The meeting point is to be confirmed, for updates keep an eye on the coalition’s website.

Green Party extraordinary conference, 17-23 May

The Green Party is holding an Extraordinary Conference in May to finalise a new constitution, and to match the challenges and opportunities of today and tomorrow. Shaping the ideas that will go into this have been many years in the making.

The Extraordinary Conference to determine the new constitution will be taking place online in May. There will first be workshops 17-20 May, followed by plenary sessions 21-23 May. To find out more and get information on how to participate, Green Party members can view all the necessary information on the Green Party members website.

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