GBGP Newsletter #22: Spotlight on Carol O’Toole

More volunteers needed for delivering election leaflets

Ahead of the mayoral and council elections coming up in May, we need more volunteers to deliver leaflets in the Kidbrooke with Hornfair ward. Leaflet delivery can take place at any time during the week, depending on when you have free time.

If you would like to spend a couple of hours delivering leaflets for the Green Party, please email

GBGP also has an action day planned for Saturday 3 April (10am-12pm), during which we will be knocking on doors and speaking to residents in Kidbrooke with Hornfair, and asking them questions as part of a 60-second survey. (This follows a relaxation in Covid restrictions around political campaigning).

Sign up for the action day here.

Major questions raised over Silvertown Tunnel pollution monitoring

A decision is yet to be made about how air quality will be monitored around the Silvertown Tunnel, even though work on the project is under way, reports 853 London.

At present, just one form of pollution, nitrogen dioxide, is due to be monitored. But, as Simon Pirani writes for The Ecologist, just building the tunnel before a vehicle goes through it will cause plenty of carbon dioxide emissions.

“Transport for London has estimated that the concrete and other materials used to build the tunnel would have 82,077 tonnes of embedded CO2 (ie CO2 emitted during the manufacture of those materials). That’s roughly what a Boeing 737-400 would produce in 7,000 trips of 900+ kilometres,” said Pirani.

Read the full Ecologist article here.

Candidate spotlight: Dr Carol O’Toole


Dr Carol O’Toole will be standing for election in Kidbrooke with Hornfair, in the council by-elections on Thursday 6 May.

She is a retired biologist and immunologist, who spent her career researching infectious diseases and cancer. Carol has lived in Kidbrooke for 20 years and during that time has been actively involved in initiatives to protect and enhance local green spaces.

Over the years, Carol has worked with the council’s Environment Champions project to remove litter and deal with fly-tipping, campaigned to improve air quality and worked to improve cleaning standards at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Woolwich.

She has launched a five-point plan to improve the quality of life in Greenwich and particularly in Kidbrooke with Hornfair.  

Carol’s five-point plan for Kidbrooke with Hornfair:

  1. Tackle the increasing problems of litter and fly-tipping
  2. Campaign to improve the area around the Shooters Hill shopping parade
  3. Hold the council to account on improving air quality
  4. Conserve mature trees and biodiversity in the ward
  5. Protect public access to open green spaces

You can find profiles of all four GBGP candidates here.

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