GBGP Newsletter #55: Get social

Are you following our social accounts?

Greenwich Green Party has joined the world of Instagram and can be found posting pictures and information from around the borough.

And in case you want to get social with us through other channels, we’re also posting updates to the following:

Next monthly meeting for GBGP

Our monthly meetings for the next four months are at Mycenae House on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm. You are welcome to join us – simply turn up to any meeting you would like to come along to. We have booked a ground floor room for wheelchair accessibility.

The nearest train station is Westcombe Park. You can also get the 386 bus to Westcombe Park Road, or to the Blackheath / Royal Standard on the 53, 54, 108, 202, 286, 335, 380 or 422 bus routes).

At the meetings we discuss topics such as action days (leafleting / door knocking), local campaigns, social activities and how attendees can put their skills, experience or local knowledge to good use for GBGP.

We are looking for feedback on whether to run hybrid meetings through Zoom or another online platform. Please let us know.

Our next meeting is Wednesday 1 December at 7.30pm.

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