Welcome to Greenwich and Bexley Green Party (GBGP) newsletter #27. This weekly bulletin will give you a roundup of what’s going on in the local area.
To get in touch, reply to this email or contact coordinator@greenwich.greenparty.org.uk
Remember to vote Green on Thursday 6 May
On Thursday 6 May there will be council by-elections held across the country, at the same time as the London mayoral election.
Greenwich Green Party is contesting four of these by-elections in Glyndon, Greenwich West, Kidbrooke with Hornfair and Shooters Hill. Here are profiles of all four candidates.
If you would like a Green Party poster to print out and put in your window, you can find them here.
New growing patch and forest school for Plumstead children’s centre needs volunteers and gardening donations
Green-fingered enthusiasts and gardening donations are needed to help get a Forest School and Growing Patch development off the ground in South East London.
The Plumstead Day Nursery and Children Centre has an outdoor plot ready to develop into a safe playing space, including an area of raised beds to grow vegetables, and is calling for volunteers, as well as building and gardening materials to get the job done.
The Centre, run by charity Home-Start Greenwich, supports families that often live in inadequate housing with little or no outdoor spaces in an area of London, which has minimal access to outdoor public facilities and a large number of poorly-maintained spaces.
All that is required from volunteers is goodwill and a pair of gardening gloves.
Donations needed include mud kitchens, planters, containers, utensils, compost, garden tools, plants, and seeds in addition to funds required for structural changes to provide a water source for maintenance and play.
To volunteer, visit: https://form.jotform.com/211025385306043