GBGP Newsletter #18: Share your views with Better Streets for Greenwich

Vaccination bus providing easier access to Covid-19 jabs

NHS Greenwich CCG’s vaccination bus (credit: Newsshopper)

A vaccination bus launched by Greenwich council is making it easier for vulnerable people to get the Covid-19 jab.

The mobile vaccination unit was launched earlier this month The bus is a double-decker and with two clinical booths inside. Vaccinations on the bus are being given to residents in priority groups and are by appointment through local GPs.

Read more on News Shopper here.

Better streets for Greenwich: Share your views

Better Streets Greenwich is a volunteer-led campaign that is working for better, greener, cleaner and safer streets.

If you want to make your local streets a nicer place to be, tell them your views. They want to hear what you think works and how we can all benefit from using our exterior spaces differently.

Let them know what you think by completing this short survey.

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