Greenwich Green Party co-founder Dave Sharman dies aged 83

We are sad to announce the death of Dave Sharman, co-founder of Greenwich Green Party, at the age of 83.

He is remembered by Philip Connolly:

Dave Sharman was a man who joined things: the Green Party, the Quakers, the Woodlands Farm Trust, The Millennium Sustainability Network, Agenda 21, South London Energy Project, Mycenae House’s management committee and the Dementia Reference Group. I’m sure there are more I don’t know about!

To all he brought his quiet determination and his obvious commitment, but also his gift for achieving consensus and unity of purpose.

His daughter told me that even though he had only spent a single year in a care home at the end of his life, when he died the residents and staff lined the corridors as his body was carried out.

He showed us how to live in the community.

Dave, we will miss you. I will even miss all the leafleting we did together. In all the photographs I have you are smiling. You knew how to be happy and you made us happy.

– Philip

Greenwich and Bexley Green Party offer sincere condolences to Dave’s family and friends, and heartfelt thanks for a lifetime of efforts made towards a sustainable society and harmonious community.

Rest in peace.

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