Greens Call For Plans To Be Axed As Revised Tower Plans Leave Precious Eco Park In The Shade

Revised plans put forward by Taylor Wimpey and Countryside for a tower block development at plot 201 next to the Ecology Park on the Greenwich Peninsula do not take into account serious concerns and should be axed say Greenwich Greens.

This week developers put forward plans to build a 13 storey development, down from 20, but that reduction in height is not enough to prevent the building casting a very significant shadow over the park, damaging the ecosystem permanently by reducing ground temperatures and sunlight.

We stand in solidarity with the friends of the Ecology Park when they say that losing such a precious resources cannot be justified for the sake of 10 to 20 wealthy people enjoying a river view.

The ecology park is home to birds, rare bees and insects and provides both an urban classroom to thousands of school children each year and a welcome place of refuge for the local community to enjoy nature.

The trees and plants also provide a sponge for harmful air pollution, a significant problem in the area.

Peninsular rep and Green Party council candidate for the area Dan Garrun said that

It’s a surprise to me that the developers haven’t really listened, the message from the community couldn’t be any clearer but from what we’ve seen at the exhibitions this week, and from what worried residents are telling us, voices are not being heard at all.

We dearly hope that local councillors and our MP will speak up for residents and put a stop to this when it reaches the planning approval stage.

Fellow Green Party Peninsular rep Matt Browne added:

Labour have suggested that some form of tall building has to be built on the site, as an outline application was granted in 2012 (by Labour councillors!). This is a cop-out – the sort of application now put forward by developers, known as a reserved matters application, can be successfully refused on the grounds of insufficient information.

The developers have failed to sufficiently demonstrate how they will prevent harmful overshadowing, so this application can and must be refused to protect the Eco Park. Labour controlled Greenwich Council needs to stand up to developers for once and say no!

We’ll be keeping a close eye on developments and strongly encourage anyone who wants to know more, or get involved in stopping this to visit the Friends of the Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park Website and sign up for their emails:

The threatened Eco Park

The boards that were on display at the public exhibtion in 2018 can be found here.

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